See [ss Characteristic].

- [ex 001 "the restaurant [p en/with Characteristic] <u>a convenient location</u>/<u>an extensive menu</u>" "[exref 006 Characteristic]"]

- [ex 002 "a party [p en/with Characteristic] great music" "[exref 007 Characteristic]"]

- [ex 003 "a room [p en/with Characteristic] 2 beds [beds are among the things in the room]" "[exref 008 Characteristic]"]

- [ex 004 "He examined the vase [p en/for Characteristic] damage." "[exref 012 Characteristic]"]

- [ex 005 "He searched the room [p en/for Characteristic] his laser pistol. [contrast intransitive [ss Theme], [exref 010 Theme]]" "[exref 013 Characteristic]"]

- [ex 006 "He was tested [p en/for Characteristic] low blood sugar." "[exref 014 Characteristic]"]

- [ex 007 "The children are <u>sorted</u>/<u>screened</u> [p en/by Characteristic] height" "[exref 015 Characteristic]"]

- [ex 008 "She exceeds him [p en/in Characteristic] height" "[exref 016 Characteristic]"]

- [ex 009 "There is no difference [p en/in Characteristic] height" "[exref 017 Characteristic]"]

- [ex 010 "a business [p en/of Characteristic] that sort ([ss Characteristic])" "[exref 007 Species]"]