See [ss Circumstance].

- [ex 001 "[pspecial In en/in Circumstance] arguing for tax reform, the president claimed that loopholes allow   big corporations to profit from moving their headquarters overseas." "[exref 001 Circumstance]"]

- [ex 002 "You crossed the line [p en/in Circumstance] sharing confidential information.    [but see [exref 026 Topic] under [ss Topic], which is syntactically parallel]" "[exref 002 Circumstance]"]

- [ex 003 "I found out [p en/in Circumstance] our conversation that she speaks 5 languages." "[exref 003 Circumstance]"]

- [ex 004 "Bipartisan compromise is unlikely [p en/with Circumstance] the election just around the corner." "[exref 007 Circumstance]"]

- [ex 005 "[pspecial As en/as Circumstance] we watched, she transformed into a cat.   [‘while’, ‘unfolding at the same time as’; not simply providing a ‘when’—contrast [exref 005 Time] under [ss Time]]" "[exref 008 Circumstance]"]

- [ex 006 "My tutor was helpful [p en/in Circumstance] giving concrete examples and exercises." "[exref 009 Circumstance]"]

- [ex 007 "You were correct [p en/in Circumstance] <u>answering the question</u>/<u>your answer</u>." "[exref 010 Circumstance]"]

- [ex 008 "I was involved [p en/in Circumstance] a car accident. ([ss Circumstance])" "[exref 011 Circumstance]"]

- [ex 009 "I bought her a bike [p en/for Circumstance] Christmas." "[exref 015 Circumstance]"]

- [ex 010 "I had peanut butter [p en/for Circumstance] lunch." "[exref 016 Circumstance]"]

- [ex 011 "Let’s discuss the matter [p en/over Circumstance] lunch. [compare [exref 002 Time]]" "[exref 017 Circumstance]"]

- [ex 012 "You can leave <u>[p en/as_long_as Circumstance]</u>/<u>provided</u> your work is done." "[exref 018 Circumstance]"]

- [ex 013 "Whether you can leave <u>depends [p en/on Circumstance]</u>/<u>is subject [p en/to Circumstance]</u> whether your work is done." "[exref 019 Circumstance]"]

- [ex 014 "We ate there [p en/for Circumstance] dinner." "[exref 023 Purpose]"]

- [ex 015 "I received a new bicycle [p en/for Circumstance] Christmas." "[exref 024 Purpose]"]

- [ex 016 "I always drink eggnog [p en/for Circumstance] Christmas. [at and in celebration of Christmastime]" "[exref 025 Purpose]"]

- [ex 017 "We were wearing costumes [p en/for Circumstance] Halloween." "[exref 026 Purpose]"]