- [ex 004 "Your heart rate is [p en/above ComparisonRef--Locus] <u>100 bpm</u>/<u>normal</u>/<u>mine</u>." "[exref 036 ComparisonRef]"]

- [ex 005 "The price is [p en/within ComparisonRef--Locus] my budget." "[exref 037 ComparisonRef]"]

- [ex 006 "My team is [p en/ahead_of ComparisonRef--Locus] your team in the tournament." "[exref 038 ComparisonRef]"]

- [ex 001 "I prefer this restaurant [p en/over ComparisonRef--Locus] that one.<br/>  [paraphrase: I like this restaurant better [p en/than] that one.]" "[exref 011 ComparisonRef]"]

- [ex 002 "expenses [p en/under Approximator] $100" "[exref 006 Approximator]"]

- [ex 003 "Your score is <u>[p en/under Approximator]</u>/<u>[p en/over Approximator]</u>/<u>[p en/at_least Approximator]</u> 100." "[exref 007 Approximator]"]