See [ss Direction].

- [ex 001 "The bird flew <u>[p en/up Direction]</u>/<u>[p en/out Direction]</u>/<u>[p en/away Direction]</u>/<u>[p en/off Direction]</u>." "[exref 001 Direction]"]

- [ex 002 "I walked [p en/over Direction] to where they were sitting." "[exref 002 Direction]"]

- [ex 003 "The price shot [p en/up Direction]." "[exref 003 Direction]"]

- [ex 004 "The camera is aimed [p en/at Direction] the subject." "[exref 004 Direction]"]

- [ex 005 "The toddler kicked [p en/at Direction] the wall." "[exref 005 Direction]"]

- [ex 006 "I headed <u>[p en/towards Direction]</u>/<u>[p en/for Direction]</u>/<u>#to</u> work but never made it there. ([ss Direction])" "[exref 014 Goal]"]

- [ex 007 "The bikers ride parallel to the river for several miles, then  head east, <u>[p en/away_from Direction]</u>/<u>#from</u> the river.  ([ss Direction]: bikers are never at the river)" "[exref 013 Source]"]

- [ex 008 "The bird flew <u>[p en/away Direction]</u>/<u>[p en/off Direction]</u>. ([ss Direction]: vaguely away from the viewpoint)" "[exref 020 Source]"]