See [ss Means].

- [ex 001 "Open the door [p en/by Means] turning the knob." "[exref 001 Means]"]

- [ex 002 "They retaliated <u>[p en/by Means] shooting</u>/<u>[p en/with Means] shootings</u>." "[exref 002 Means]"]

- [ex 003 "The owners destroyed the company [p en/by Means] growing it too fast." "[exref 003 Means]"]

- [ex 004 "Chlorophyll absorbs the light [p en/by Means] transfer of electrons." "[exref 004 Means]"]

- [ex 005 "He responded to my kick [p en/with Means] a punch. ([ss Means])" "[exref 041 Topic]"]

- [ex 006 "He responded to my accusation [p en/with Means] a lawsuit. ([ss Means])" "[exref 042 Topic]"]