- [ss OrgMember--Gestalt] with possessive marking on the individual:
	- [ex 001 "[p en/my OrgMember--Gestalt] school/gym [that I attend]"]

	- [ex 002 "[p en/my OrgMember--Gestalt] work [the place where I work]"]

	- [ex 003 "[p en/my OrgMember--Gestalt] landscaping company [that I hired]"]

	- [ex 004 "the family [p en/of OrgMember--Gestalt] Miss Zarves"]

	- [ex 005 "Miss Zarves[p en/'s OrgMember--Gestalt] family"]

- [ss OrgMember--Possessor] if the individual is understood to possess authority   within or as a representative of the institution:
	- [ex 006 "[p en/my OrgMember--Possessor] small business [that I own or operate]"]

	- [ex 007 "the president[p en/'s OrgMember--Possessor] administration"]

- [ss OrgMember--PartPortion] if the governor is an organizational collective noun  and the object of the preposition denotes a subset of members:
	- [ex 008 "A piano quintet is a chamber group [p en/with OrgMember--PartPortion] a piano (in it) [repeated: [exref 020 PartPortion]]"]

- [ss OrgMember--Stuff] if the governor is an organizational collective noun  and the object of the preposition describes the full membership:
	- [ex 009 "An order [p en/of OrgMember--Stuff] nuns [repeated: [exref 008 Stuff]]"]

	- [ex 010 "A chamber group <u>[p en/of OrgMember--Stuff]</u>/<u>[p en/with OrgMember--Stuff]</u> 5 players [repeated: [exref 009 Stuff]]"]

[ss OrgMember]s are generally people; sub-organizations within a larger organization are excluded.

Note that relations between persons, even in the context of an organization, fall under [ss SocialRel] (e.g. *[p en/my SocialRel--Gestalt] boss*).

A member of an organization is only labeled [ss OrgMember] when the relationship to the [ss Org] is in focus: e.g., an activity done as part of a job with an organization will not trigger [ss OrgMember]:

- [ex 011 "At the restaurant we were seated [p en/by Agent] the host. ([ss Agent])"]