The [ss Possessor] may *own* or may be *borrowing*, *renting*, *wearing*, or *holding* the property.

Prototypical prepositions are [p en/with] and [p en/without]:

- [ex 001 "People [p en/with Possession] money"]

There is also a (negated) possession sense of [p en/out]/[p en/out_of]:

- [ex 005 "We are [p en/out_of Possession] toilet paper."]

- [ex 006 "Toilet paper? We are [p en/out Possession]."]

Attire may be construed in multiple ways:

- [ex 002 "the kid [p en/with Possession] <u>a vest</u>/<u>makeup</u> (on)"]

- [ex 003 "the kid [p en/in Possession--Locus] a vest ([ss Possession--Locus])"]

Immediate concrete possession uses an [ss Ancillary] construal:

- [ex 004 "Hagrid exited the shop [p en/with Possession--Ancillary] (= carrying) a snowy owl. ([ss Possession--Ancillary])"]

## Transfer, goods, and services

In a commercial scene, goods, services, and money are distinguished. 
[ss Possession] is used as the scene role for goods for sale. 
[ss Possession] also applies to a piece of property transferred between parties, lost, acquired, or carried, even if no money changes hands.
[ss Theme] is the scene role for commercial services. 
[ss Cost] applies to the money asked, paid, or owed.

The construal [ss Possession--Theme] is used for goods marked by [p en/on], [p en/for], etc., 
whereas [p en/with] can be simple [ss Possession]:

- Simple change of possession and transfer:
     * [ex 007 "I bestowed the winner [p en/with Possession] <u>a bicycle</u>/<u>$100</u>. ([ss Possession]) ([exref 006 Cost])"]

     * [ex 008 "They robbed her [p en/of Possession--Theme] her life savings. ([ss Possession--Theme])"]

- Goods:
     * [ex 009 "They spent $500 [p en/on Possession--Theme] the bicycle. ([ss Possession--Theme]) ([exref 021 Theme])"]

     * [ex 010 "They <u>charged</u>/<u>asked</u>/<u>paid</u>/<u>owed</u> $500 [p en/for Possession--Theme] the bicycle. ([ss Possession--Theme])"]

     * [ex 011 "$500 [p en/for Possession--Theme] the bicycle was excessive. ([ss Possession--Theme])"]

Contrast services at [exref 026 Theme], [exref 028 Theme], [exref 030 Theme].

Paraphrase test: “[ss Possessor] POSSESSES [ss Possession]”, “[ss Possessor] is IN POSSESSION OF [ss Possession]”, or “[ss Possessor] HAS ON [ss Possession]” for stative possession; [ss Recipient] ACQUIRES [ss Possession] or [ss Originator] LOSES [ss Possession] for change of possession.
“IN POSSESSION OF” is especially appropriate for immediate concrete possession.