A nonexhaustive list of senses which are much more specialized and idiosyncratic than the coarse-grained supersenses. They are also generally rare. (Perhaps we should call these "microsenses".)

See senses at [The Preposition Project (TPP)](https://www.clres.com/db/TPPEditor.html)

[p en/as]

[such NP as VP cxn](https://ell.stackexchange.com/a/330266/139225)
: - such words as may comfort you

[p en/behind]

: - behind the wheel; behind the counter

[p en/in]

Individual instantiating a role
: - You've got a friend __in__ me
:     * especially, someone serving an important role, such as a political candidate: "In Mehmet Oz, Herschel Walker and JD Vance, the Republican party has three celebrities running for Senate in November." ([_The Guardian_](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/16/mehmet-oz-herschel-walker-jd-vance-republican-senate))
: - person as a conduit for an action (used by no less an authority than [the pope](https://twitter.com/Pontifex/status/1371061042281807879))

Musical key
: - music in C major ([exref 023 Characteristic])

### In V-ing adjunct cxn

seems to favor [nonvolitional results](https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/217868/doing-something-i-did-something-or-in-doing-something-i-did-something#comment624373_217880). But evaluations may be different ("He was justified in X-ing", "He was helpful in X-ing").

- [query](http://flat.nert.georgetown.edu/_table/usage/748/?perpage=100&sort=-obj_pos)

- [Collins](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/in) 
   > You use **in** with a present participle to indicate that when you do something, something else happens as a result. 
   > - In working with others, you find out more about yourself.
- [Longman](https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/in)
   > 26 while doing something or while something is happening, and as a result of this
   > in doing something
   > - In trying to protect the queen, Howard had put his own life in danger.

### interest(ed) in V-ing

"interested in seeing a movie" versus "interested to see a movie": [a theory and some corpus evidence](https://twitter.com/complingy/status/1696923781372035234)

[p en/for]

Causal discourse connective: old-fashioned
: - They stared, for they had never before seen such a creature.
: - see [this discussion](https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/301240/usage-of-preposition-for-while-giving-explanations)

: (are these idiom-specific?)
: - can’t see the forest for the trees
: - not for want of trying

[p en/of]

Evaluee of degree-modified adjective
: - Is it really that good OF a restaurant?
: - They are too big OF a threat.

Gossip Construction
: ([Goldberg and Herbst 2021](https://adele.princeton.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/277/2021/01/LING-2020-0274_proof_v1.4.pdf4_.pdf))
: - It's nice/good OF you to be here.

Property/part evaluee of non-degree-modified adjective
: archaic-sounding
: - Cinderella’s stepsisters were beautiful OF face, but vile and black OF heart.
: - I am slow OF speech and slow OF tongue.

[p en/on]

Assigned Duty/Role, Musical Instrument in a Performance
: - Ringo Starr on drums
: - He is on guard duty

Bearer of Responsibility
: esp. financial responsibility
: - It's on you to make the case for the project.
: - Drinks are on me!
: - traveling on the taxpayer's dime

: - I'm on heart medication

: (see course paper by Jessica Cusi)
: - My parents are on me about getting a summer job.

: - I'm on the third episode of the series.

: - on a hat trick (see course paper by Caroline Gish)

: sustaining fuel/resource
: - work on 3 hours’ sleep
: - running on an empty tank
: - making a decision on very little information

Target of opposition
: arraying of literal or metaphorical force against some opponent. cf. TPP sense 11(5) OEC examples
: - [contest, e.g. fight or sport] man-on-man fight; cf. team1 takes on team2
: - [military/law enforcement] attack/assault on Pearl Harbor; war on drugs; firing on targets; "FBI moves on alleged members of extremist groups"; raid on bin Laden's compound
: - [advocacy] march on Washington

[p en/to]

: something that can be accessed with an associated instrument or part; or something with an associated quality ([discussion](https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/345235/what-is-the-difference-part-of-vs-part-to))
: - key to the door; entry to the room
: - There is a nice texture to the painting

Result infinitive
: unexpected discovery prompted by a manner of gaining information (going somewhere, change of awareness)
: - I awoke/arrived (only) to find...
: perhaps related to "suprised/disappointed to find..."

: - To health and prosperity!

[p en/with]

Adjective's cause
: - His hands were black with soot.
: - They listened to the inspirational speech, their eyes wet with tears.
: - I was numb with shock.

possessive: [p en/'s], [ss `$], ...

Superlative Object Construction
: - She worked her hardest. ([Bouso, ICAME 2022](https://www.icame43.com/_files/ugd/2ad07d_8ef03a7033ba4fee95eba3d14efd5b30.pdf#page=44))