# 과 (-kwa)

*Allomorph*: 와 (-wa)

See also: 랑 (-lang) and 하고 (-hako)

## Accompaniment and Concomitants: [ss Ancillary]

This adposition marks the surplus participant that accompanies another more prominent participant in the event. In the examples below, these usages allow for "함께" insertion, equivalent to English "together" insertion. Note that 과 is mostly interchangeable with the postpositions 랑 and 하고.

[gex 001 "{아버지[p ko/와 Ancillary]||friend-with} {(함께) (together)} {여행을했다 travelled}" "(I) travelled (together) with my father."]

[gex 002 "{친구[p ko/와 Ancillary]||friend-with} {(함께) (together)} {산책 walk} {나갔다 went}" "(I) went for a walk (together) with a friend"]

[gex 003 "{남편[p ko/과 Ancillary]||husband-with| {(함께) (together)} {점심을 lunch-ACC} {먹습니다 eat}" "(I) eat lunch (together) with my husband"]

Please note that "pure" [ss Ancillary] label is reserved for instances where the marked nominal is NOT required by the verb (i.e., it is a tag-along accompanier). If the verb assigns the role of the nominal, then we annotate the scene role as either [ss Agent] or [ss Theme] as discussed in the subsection below.

### [ss Agent--Ancillary] and [ss Theme--Ancillary]

For verbs like fight, marry or exchange that require more than one participant in the event, the surplus participant marked by the postposition takes on the scene role that is equal to the primary participant's role as seen below. 

- [ss Agent--Ancillary]:

    - [gex 004 "{누나[p ko/랑 Agent--Ancillary]||sister-with} {자주 often} {다툰다 fight}" "(I) fight often with my sister."]

    - [gex 005 "{교수님[p ko/과 Agent--Ancillary]||professor-with} {의논해 discuss} {보세요 try}" "Discuss it with your professor."]

    - [gex 006 "{진절한 kind} {사람[p ko/하고 Agent--Ancillary]||person-with} {결혼하고 marry} {싶어요 want}" "(I) want to marry a kind person"]

- [ss Theme--Ancillary]:

    - [gex 007 "{자전거가 bicycle-NOM} {자동차[p ko/와 Theme--Ancillary]||car-with} {부디쳤다 collided}" "The bicycle collided with the car"]

    - [gex 008 "{말을 horse-ACC} {소[p ko/와 Theme--Ancillary]||car-with} {바꿨다 exchanged}" "(I) exchanged the horse with a cow"]

Note that the examples above resist the "together" insertion. For some verbs the "together" insertion can alter the meaning of the sentence.

- Marry:
    - [gex 009 "{친구[p ko/와 Agent--Ancillary]||person-with} {결혼하고 marry} {싶어요 want}" "(I) want to marry a friend"]
    - [gex 010 "{친구[p ko/와 Agent--Ancillary]||friend-with} {함께 together} {결혼하고 marry} {싶어요 want}" "(I) want to marry my friend when they marry (like in a group wedding)"]

- Fight:
    - [gex 011 "{누나[p ko/와 Agent--Ancillary]||sister-with} {싸웠다 fought}" "I fought with (against) my sister"]

    - [gex 012 "{누나[p ko/와 Agent--Ancillary]||sister-with} {함께 together} {싸웠다 fought}" "I fought with together with my sister (against a common enemy)"]

## Conjunctive: [ss Ensemble]

For conjunctive usages of 과, we assign the label of [ss Ensemble]

[gex 013 "{수학[p ko/과 Ensemble]||math-and} {과학 science}" "math and science"]

[gex 014 "{점심으로 lunch-for} {빵[p ko/과 Ensemble]||bread-and} {우유를 milk-ACC} {먹었다 ate}" "(We) ate bread and milk for lunch."]