# 부터 (-puthe)

Counterpart: [까지 (-kkaci)](http://flat.nert.georgetown.edu/ko/%EA%B9%8C%EC%A7%80/)

## Start Point of an Extent

부터 marks the beginning point of an extent. This applies for both temporal and locative extents

### Temporal Extent: [ss StartTime]

[gex 001 "{2010[p ko/부터 StartTime]||2010-from} {2012 까지||2012-to} {일본에서 Japan-in} {근무하였다 worked}." "(He) worked in Japan from 2010 to 2012."]

[gex 002 "{어려서[p ko/부터 StartTime]||childhood-ever_since} {노래를 singing-ACC} {잘했다 excelled}." "(He) excelled at singing ever since childhood."]

### Locative Extent: [ss Locus--Source]

[gex 003 "{머리[p ko/부터 Locus--Source]||head-from} {발끝까지 toes-to} {다 all} {귀여워 adorable}." "From head to toe, (he) is oh so cute."]

[gex 004 "{여기[p ko/부터 Locus--Source][p ko/가 Locus--Source]||here-from-NOM} {우리 our} {땅이다 land-COP}." "Our land starts here. Lit: From here is our land."]

### First of a Set: [ss PartPortion--Source]

[gex 005 "{김치[p ko/부터 ??]|kimchi-first} {먹자 eat}." "Let's start with kimchi"]

[gex 006 "{덴버[p ko/부터 ??]|Denver-first} {갑니다 go}." "We start at Denver"]