# 처럼 (-chelem)

See also: [같이 (-kathi)](http://flat.nert.georgetown.edu/ko/같이/)

This postposition marks the reference point of a comparison. It is equivalent to English "like" or "as".

[gex 001 "{아빠처럼[p ko/처럼 ComparisonRef]||father-like} {아들도 son-also} {키가 height} {크다 tall}}" "Like father, the son is also tall"]

[gex 002 "{사자[p ko/처럼 ComparisonRef]||lion-like} {용감하다 courageous}" "(He) is courageous like a lion"]

[gex 003 "{나[p ko/처럼 ComparisonRef]||me-as} {해봐 do}" "Do as I do."]

[gex 004 "{부끄러움을 embarrassment-ACC} {못 cannot} {견디는|| endure} {것[p ko/처럼 ComparisonRef]||thing-as_though} {고개를 head-ACC} {숙이었다 lowered}." "As though (he) could not endure the embarrassment, he lowered his head."]