Semantic supersenses are used where possible for genitive/possessive constructions, as discussed in [Genitives/Possessives](/en/genitivespossessives).
However, there are a few idioms which require a possessive pronoun that does not participate transparently in any semantic relation; these are designated with the special label [ss `$]:

- [ex 001 "I am eating on\_ [p en/my `$] \_own today."]

- [ex 002 "She tried [p en/her `$] best."]

- [ex 003 "He’s not [p en/your `$] average baseball player."]

- [ex 004 "Billy knows [p en/his `$] ABCs!"]

It is also used for the possessive in the *way* construction: contrast

- [ex 005 "I like [p en/her Gestalt] way of eating—it is very polite. ([ss Gestalt])"]

- [ex 006 "She will arrive soon: she is on\_ [p en/her `$] \_way. ([ss `$]) [see [exref 020 Circumstance]]"]

- [ex 007 "I don't want to drive there because it is out\_of\_ [p en/my `$] \_way. ([ss `$])"]