[ss Manner] is used as the scene role for several kinds of descriptors which typically license some sort of <i>How?</i> question:

###1. The style in which an action is performed or an event unfolds, expressed adverbially (canonical use of the term “manner”):

- [ex 001 "He reacted <u>[p en/with Manner] anger</u>/<u>[p en/in Manner] anger</u>/<u>angrily</u>.[^1]"]

- [ex 002 "He reacted [p en/with Manner] nervous laughter. [contrast: [ss Means]]"]

- [ex 012 "<u>I wrote the book</u>/<u>They chatted</u> [p en/in Manner--Locus] French."]

- [ex 003 "I made the decision <u>[p en/by Manner] myself</u>/<u>[p en/without Manner] anyone else</u>/<u>[pspecial "on\_" en/on_own Manner] my [pspecial "\_own" en/on_own Manner]</u>. [see [PP Idioms](/en/pp_idioms)]"]

- [ex 013 "We talked [p en/in Manner] person."]

- [ss Manner--ComparisonRef]:
	- [ex 004 "You eat [p en/like Manner--ComparisonRef] a pig (eats)."]

	- [ex 005 "You smell [p en/like Manner--ComparisonRef] a pig."]

- [ex 006 "<u>Your father smells</u>/<u>The soup tastes</u> [p en/of Manner--Stuff] elderberries. ([ss Manner--Stuff]) [also [exref 028 ComparisonRef]]"]

- [ex 015 "She loves teaching, and it shows [p en/in Manner--Locus] her smile. ([ss Manner--Locus])"]

By contrast, depictives characterizing a participant of an event have a scene role of [ss Characteristic]:

- [ex 007 "She entered the room <u>[p en/in Characteristic--Locus] a stupor</u>/<u>drunk</u>. (= she was in a stupor when she entered) ([ss Characteristic--Locus]) [also [exref 024 Characteristic]]"]

###2. <i>What</i> + [p en/like] (<i>what he looks [p en/like]</i>, etc.)

See [exref 025 ComparisonRef] under [ss ComparisonRef].

###3. *on a(n)... basis*

There seems to be a construction <i>[p en/on] a(n) MODIFIER basis</i> where the modifier phrase reflects the scene role being filled.
We use [ss Manner] as the function:

- [ex 032 "The legislation was passed [pspecial "on\_a\_" en/on_a_basis Manner] bipartisan [pspecial "\_basis" en/on_a_basis Manner]. ([ss Manner])"]

- [ex 033 "I see them [pspecial "on\_a\_" en/on_a_basis Frequency--Manner] daily [pspecial "\_basis" en/on_a_basis Frequency--Manner]. ([ss Frequency--Manner]) [also [exref 004 Frequency]]"]

See also: [ss Means], [ss Characteristic], [ss ComparisonRef].

In v1, [ss Manner] was positioned as an ancestor of all categories that license a <i>How?</i> question, including [ss Instrument], [ss Means], and <i>Contour</i>, as in [exref 011 Manner].
This criterion was deemed too broad, so [ss Manner] has no subtypes in v2.

[^1]: <i>He reacted [p en/out_of] anger</i> is [ss Explanation--Source].