A “goal” in the broadest sense of an ending point/condition.
Contrasts with [ss Originator].

English construals:[^1]

- [ex 001 "She <u>gave the story</u>/<u>spoke</u> [p en/to Recipient--Goal] her editor. ([ss Recipient--Goal])"]

- [ex 002 "What title did you give [p en/to Recipient--Goal] your essay? [inanimate] ([ss Recipient--Goal])"]

- [ex 003 "news [p en/for Recipient--Direction] our readers ([ss Recipient--Direction])"]

- [ex 004 "He is yelling [p en/at Recipient] me to get ready! ([ss Recipient--Direction][^2])"]

- [ex 005 "The news was not well received [p en/by Recipient--Agent] the White House. ([ss Recipient--Agent])"]

- [ex 006 "Timmy[p en/'s Recipient--Gestalt] piano lesson ([ss Recipient--Gestalt])"]

- [ex 007 "I’ll have to check [p en/with Recipient--Ancillary] my supervisor. ([ss Recipient--Ancillary])"]

[ss Recipient] does not apply to events like <i>exchange/talk/chat ([p en/with])</i>, which involve a back-and-forth between multiple [ss Agent]s:

- [ex 008 "She <u>swapped stories</u>/<u>chatted</u> [p en/with Agent--Ancillary] her friends. ([ss Agent--Ancillary])"]

See also: [ss Beneficiary]

In v1, [ss Recipient] was the counterpart to <i>Donor/Speaker</i>:
[ss Recipient] was a subtype of <i>Destination</i>, which inherited from <i>Location</i> and [ss Goal].
Moving [ss Recipient] directly under [ss Participant] puts it in a neutral position with respect to its possible construals.

[^1]: [Shalev et al. (2019)](/bib/shalev_et_al_2019/) propose generalizing SNACS supersenses to include subjects and objects (see also [Ancillary fn. 3](/Ancillary#fn:3), [Originator fn. 1](/Originator#fn:1)). If subject position is viewed as an [ss Agent] construal, then an active subject of a transfer verb like _get_ or _receive_ is [ss Recipient--Agent]. If direct object position is viewed as a [ss Theme] construal, then _She informed **her editor**_ is [ss Recipient--Theme].
[^2]: While <i>yell [p en/at]</i> often has a connotation of shouting criticism towards somebody, and criticism would suggest [ss Beneficiary], the [ss Recipient] aspect of the meaning is more explicit and essential: yelling from a distance at someone does not imply criticism, and criticism about someone who is absent is not yelling at them.