में: Characteristic ~> Locus

# Form

The form that an entity takes.

* [gex 001 "{... ...} {के GEN} {रूप form} {[pspecial "में" hi/me Characteristic--Locus] LOC}" "in the form/shape of ..."]
* [gex 002 "{किताब book} {पंजाबी Punjabi} {[pspecial "में" hi/me Characteristic--Locus] LOC} {है is}{। .}" "The book is in Punjabi."]

# State or condition

* [gex 003 "{वह she} {किस what} {हालत condition} {[pspecial "में" hi/me Characteristic--Locus] LOC} {है is}{? ?}" "What condition is she in?"]

This includes adverbial depictives that characterize the participant rather than the [ss Manner] of the action.

* [gex 004 "{अचंभे sadness} {[pspecial "में" hi/me Characteristic--Locus] LOC}" "in wonder"]