में: Goal ~> Locus

Used in dynamic contexts where the target of में is the final intended location of something, usually in the context of a motion verb like रखना, डालना, फेंकना, etc.

* [gex 001 "{वह he} {चलते walking} {हुए been} {कुएँ well} {[pspecial "में" hi/me Goal--Locus] LOC} {गिर fall} {पड़ा sudden<sup>light_verb</sup>}{। .}" "He fell into a well while walking."]

Also used in transformations and other resultants of state changes (Counterpart: [pspecial "से" hi/se Source--Source]):

* [gex 002 "{तीन three} {हिस्सों parts} {[pspecial "में" hi/me Goal--Locus] LOC} {बाँटो divide}{। .}" "Divide it into three parts."]