ने: Agent ~> Agent

There are to be no construals, only [ss Agent], when ने is marking a subject that is performing some action on an object (which would be [ss Theme]).

* [gex 001 "{उस[pspecial "ने" hi/ne Agent--Agent] she-ERG} {कपड़े clothes} {धोए washed}{। .}" "She washed the clothes."]
* [gex 002 "{मैं[pspecial "ने" hi/ne Agent--Agent] I-ERG} {उसको he-DAT} {बहुत a-lot} {मारा hit}{। .}" "I hit him a lot."]
* [gex 003 "{मैं[pspecial "ने" hi/ne Agent--Agent] I-ERG} {उसको he-DAT} {बहुत a-lot} {थप्पड़ slap} {मारे hit}{। .}" "I slapped him a lot."]

### "Body emission" verbs
There is a set of intransitive "body emission" verbs[^hoop], such as छींकना "to sneeze", खाँसना "to cough", मूतना "to urinate", that can optionally take the ergative marker for their subject. The presence of the marker indicates greater agency, so we treat it as [ss Agent--Agent] (the lack of the marker would make it a [ss Theme--Theme]).

* [gex 003 "{उस[pspecial "ने" hi/ne Agent--Agent] he-ERG} {छींक sneeze} {मारी hit}{। .}" "He sneezed."]

[^hoop]: [de Hoop and Narasimhan, 2005](https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_57704/component/file_2629949/content)