#### Though Mandarin Chinese is a prepositional language, postpositions, named as localizers, occur in the language.
## Adpositions in Mandarin Chinese
### Easy Examples, only prepositions
### hard examples, coverb + localizer
#### Both coverbs and localizers are  categories in Chinese grammar that bear some relationship to adpositions. As exemplified below, *xuéshù* (i.e. 'academia') is surrounded by a coverb *zài* and a localizer *shàng*. Though coverbs frequently cooccur with localizers, the combinations are somewhat productive, so we treat them as separate targets for SNACS annotation.

[gex zh001 "{他 tā he.3SG} {[p zh/在 Locus]||zài||[p en/at Locus]} {学术 xuéshù academia} {[p zh/上 Topic--Locus]||shàng||on-top-of} {有所作为 yǒusuǒzuòwéi successful}。" "He successed in academia."]

### - Coverbs
#### Coverbs usually precede the main predicate of the clause and introduce an NP argument to it. In this project,  We annotate all coverbs that occur pre-verbally and coverbs that function as the main predicate are not annotated for supersenses.

### - Localizers
#### Localizers are words that follow a noun phrase to refine its semantic relation. We annotate all localizers that occur as postpositions syntactically.

## *BA* and *DE*
## Discuss new construals
## New construals
#### [ss Experiencer--Experiencer]
#### examples
#### [ss Beneficiary--Experiencer]
#### [ss Beneficiary--Purpose]
#### [ss PartPortion--Locus]
#### [ss Circumstance--Accompanier]
#### [ss Circumstance--Time]