- [ex 001 "Could you walk <u>[p en/with Ancillary]</u>/<u>[p en/along_with Ancillary]</u>/<u>[p en/together_with Ancillary]</u> me to the store?"]

- [ex 002 "Can you go to the store [p en/without Ancillary] me?" "[exref 002 Ancillary]"]

- [ex 003 "Can we go to the store [p en/together Ancillary]?" "[exref 003 Ancillary]"]

- [ex 004 "I am admiring the paintings (together) [p en/with Ancillary] my friend<br/>[we probably infer that “friend” is paired with “I”, and thus also admiring or at least viewing the paintings, but this requires pragmatics]" "[exref 012 Ancillary]"]

- [ex 005 "I am admiring the paintings (together) [p en/with Ancillary] the statues (= I am admiring the paintings, and the statues as well)<br/>[we infer that “statues” is paired with “paintings”, and thus also being admired, but this requires pragmatics]" "[exref 013 Ancillary]"]

- [ex 006 "(Together) [p en/with Ancillary] the president, the prime minister signed the declaration<br/>[explicit: president is together with somebody in the context of signing; inferred: president is together with the prime minister, and they probably both signed]" "[exref 014 Ancillary]"]

- [ex 007 "I was traveling (together) [p en/with Ancillary] my friend/infant" "[exref 015 Ancillary]"]

- [ex 008 "my travels (together) [p en/with Ancillary] my friend" "[exref 016 Ancillary]"]

- [ex 009 "I fought (together) [p en/with Ancillary] her to cure cancer. (= we fought on the same side)" "[exref 017 Ancillary]"]

- [ex 010 "We were <u>sitting</u>/<u>eating</u>/<u>working</u> [p en/together Ancillary]." "[exref 028 Ancillary]"]

- [ex 011 "The duck and the chick are [p en/together Locus--Ancillary]." "[exref 029 Ancillary]"]